The latest years were the hottest years in historical record (UN and NASA data) and more and more meteorological cataclysms show how climate change is no longer a future hypothesis, but a present phenomenon. The transition from one habitat to another forces society to adapt itself (resilience), to move (migration) or to resist, impressing artificial mutations on the environment. In the next future, the holidays of our dreams may not be the same.
This project aims to explore how the tourism industry is reacting to the effects of global warming, such as decline of snowfall, desertification, polar ice melt, and rising sea levels. Between 2015 and 2021, this concept gave rise to four separate chapters around the world, which are collected here in this project: Snow Land, situated in the Italian Dolomite Alps; Water Tour, conducted along the Dead Sea water system between Palestine and Israel; Iceberg Souvenir, spanning Canada, Greenland, and Iceland; and finally, Lost Paradise, set in the Republic of Maldives.
Even if it’s apparently a marginal sector, the tourism sector accounts for 10% of world GDP and the Holiday still represents a status symbol of the world wide middle class. With an ironic point of view this project tries to deal with a theme of global importance: the effects of climate change on our unsustainable lifestyle.​​​​​​​
'Tourism in the climate change era' has been published more than 50 times in the world's major media, such as National Geographic Magazine, Time, News Week Japan and many others. It became an exhibition included in the National Geographic Society's exhibition program. It received many international awards and recognitions. Finally, it became a book, published by André Frere Edition in France.